
What is Engineering?


A college major for those who love calculus, physics and pulling all-nighters.

I majored in Electrical Engineering because it will guarantee a monotonous job if I manage to graduate.


a college student who majors in this can forget about his life, because there will be no more time to do anything besides study, and then drink to forget how fucked you are. Study and drinking, that's about it. Also, engineers are known to have no sleeping pattern because of numerous all-nighters. There should be an amendment to the constitution to add an entire point to any engineering student's GPA, as only then will the scale be fair to everyone.

Business major: what's your major?

Engineering major: engineering.

Business major: (gets a mental image of engineering major stabbing himself with pencils, not sleeping for 36 hours straight, and failing multiple classes. Yet the engineering major is still 4 times smarter than the business major.)

See business major, jewish engineering, business, protractor, racism


n. A branch of university education. Usually taken by students who want a job after graduating.

I want to study engineering!

See engineer, sausage fest, men, money, win


n. A profession, usually taught in universities as a four-year program. It's far more rigorous than most other programs available to universitystudents, with the benefit of near-guaranteed employment after graduation. Downsides include not being able to get laid and extreme social awkwardness.

Arts majors:

Look, isn't that one of those engineering students? Man, what a pathetic loser. We're so much cooler lolol.

Engineering student:

It's this "loser" here that'll be making 70 grand a year right after graduating. Enjoy your degree in Classical Literature suckers, it'll probably qualify you for flipping burgers.

See engineer, awesome, university, college, degree


Where the noble semi-skilled laborers execute the vision of those who think and dream... Hello Oompa Loompas of science!

The engineering majors at Purdue University worked in the Scientists' chocolate factory.

See engineer


An extremely hard course in university whereby the students of it have no life.

Damn those engineering students are nerds


A major/field of study in college where there are no girls.

Engineering Boy: Hey, do you wanna come to our engineering party and solder electrical components while under the influence?

Normal Boy: Shut up you fucking loser, I'm going to a party where there are girls so I can laid...

See engineering, university, study


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