England Vs America

What is England Vs America?


Alright people. I am getting sick and tired of this whole 'england vs america' thing.

The English need to stop insulting Americans.

And Americans need to stop insulting the English.

1) England is not full of gay, posh, snobby, tea-drinking people with awful teeth. Many of us, are perfectly normal.

2) Not all Americans are fat, mcdonalds guzzling, greedy, lazy slobs.

3) If you try, you CAN get along. I'm English, my boyfriend is American, and I love him a lot.

4) Don't have a go at eachother because of Wars, sports, fighting or anything like that. America beat England, England beat America. You're supposed to be allies?

5) Blair, and Bush, have nothing to do with the English and American people. I know, for a fact, a majority of us hate both of these leaders.

6) I may sound like i'm bashing America here. But i'm not.

Please, please, please. Don't correct me when I spell color 'colour', don't tell me "It's mom, not mum" Don't tell me that it's "Soccer, not football." And don't, don't, don't tell me "You have a weird accent." Because you are speaking ENGLISH folks, and i'm afraid you have a much stranger accent to me. Although many English accents are strange, most of ours are normal enough.

7) Stop calling me "British, European or Eastern" And i'll stop calling you a "Yank." England, is not britain. Britain consists of Northern Ireland (not the republic), Wales, Scotland and England. I am British, but I am not technically from Britain, I am from England.

8) Make another film/tv show in which America makes fun of England, and I will come and stab you to death with a stereotypical English mary-fucking-poppins Umbrella.

9)English and American bands are no opposed. That's ridiculous. Green Day, an American band, declared England as their official home. Most English bands strive to make it big in England.

10) America did not technically 'save our asses', you came in near the end of the war to get credit.

11) Without England, there would be no America. You are all descended from some other country, as the only true Americans were native Americans (hence the name) and you/we pretty much wiped them out. Lots Americans are Irish or English anyway.

12) Don't make fun of the way I speak. I could EASILLY make fun of you, but I choose not to.


England and America need to get along.

Many say England only has a special relationship with America because we couldn't be arsed to learn French (Yes, I say arse. Ass = Type of mule/donkey. And by the way. Fanny = Vagina. Thanks.). If you look at it, America and England are similar in ways. There is nothing more wrong with either of those countries, any more than there is anything wrong with any other countries.

Not all Americans are gun-waving loonies, as it's now been said London is more dangerous than New-York.

Not all Englishmen are ugly, crooked toothed tea-drinkers. I hate tea.

Stop with the england vs america fight idiots.

See england, america, british, britain, usa


i think this says it all

i dont like tea

england vs america

See england, vs, america, south, park, kkk


Her Most Royal Majesty obviously has a low IQ. This is proved by her ridiculous definition.

1) The English language and French language are different. There is no possible way you could compare the two. Our language was great until you Americans butchered it.

2) I'm not really bothered if I get called English or British. Why don't you get over being called "yanks".

3) You don't really have the right to call it anything other than football. We invented it and we play it better. Go play baseball or something.

4) You guys think you're so heroic because you joined in the last year. You guys wouldn't be brave enough to stick up for countries like Poland.

5) What would you rather be doing? Living in a house, watching TV and be playing video games. Or living in a tipi, eating buffalo and watching the fire? That's what you would be doing if we hadn't shown up.

6) What do you care? You're just another typical, unintelligent yank (Oops, sorry. I meant American).

7) Majesty claims "I'm sure they were very happy to see Europeans coming to take their land." Read number 5.

Majesty is a fine example of why we Brits believe the Yanks to be a lower form of life.

Examples of England vs America,

1) Complaining because you know for a fact that if it wasn't for us, there'd be no America.

2) We invented it, shut up. Manchester United and Chelsea could hammer (beat by a large amount) any American "team".

3) Americans not being able to stop bitching about how we lost our colonies (we put up a good fight, lol).

England vs America, who wins? You decide!

(I vote for England)

See football, england, america, yanks


For someone who isn't trying to insult America, Amelia Jade May does a fine job of it in her ridiculous definiton!

May I address some things here?

1) The English language is totally overrated. French is a much more sophisticated language and I'm truly sorry the French didn't make a better go of it in the US, because I could be speaking a very fine language instead of the mutt one we Americans got stuck with. Thanks England! :-(

2) Please stop complaining about being called "British, European, Eastern, etc." News flash here. You ARE British, you ARE European and you ARE from the East. Complaining about being called British and European is like me complaining about being called a female. Get over it.

3) Stop jeering us for calling it soccer. YOU all gave it that name and if you didn't want us to call it that, then you shouldn't have invented the name. So there.

4) Please stop with the "you came at the end of the war to get credit" nonsense. There is no international law which states that we have to come to your rescue when you squabble with your Euro friends. Just be glad your former colonies liked you enough to have helped you out. Next time we might not be so nice.

5) Please stop the "Without England, there would be no America" crap. Lots of other European empires settled here too (French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian etc) so to say that we wouldn't exist without you all is a bit arrogant don't you think? Oh and I'm sure the natives would have gotten along just fine if you all hadn't shown up.

6) As for the "You are all descended from some other country" nonsense, all I can say is that this is typical European (oops, sorry. I meant English) shite. Europeans didn't just spring up from the ground one day. Europeans are a result of different cultures invading, conquering and settling each other. So I guess all Europeans are descended from some other countries too.

7) Amelia claims "the only true Americans were native Americans." Yes, and I'm sure they were very happy to see Europeans coming to take their land.

Amelia is a fine example of why we Yanks bash the Brits on this site.

Examples of england vs america,

1) Ridiculously claiming to have invented the US.

2) Complaining because WE call it soccer, a name YOU all gave it.

3) English not getting over the fact that they lost "their" colonies.

See england, america, amelia, ridiculous


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