English Language

What is English Language?


What many people online (MSN, AOL, Various Chatrooms) always abuse. Either speak English or don't speak at all you losers.

"dey normli speek lyk diz" and listen to Hip Hop, and hang around the streets smoking and acting cool.

Also see chav

Joe: u dnt know da tru

Joe: you cnt handle da trueth

Me: You can't handle the English Langauge.

Joe: y not?

Me: Point Proven

See Cloud


Something people of the younger generation have an inexplicable difficulty in expressing. Most notably the use of "American English", a degredation of the traditional language where "peepz speek lik diz, yo!!". Critique is erronously directed towards anybody with half a brain and the sense to realize that using "traditional English" is NOT "old-fashioned" or "geeky".

Conversely, English has already been the most bastardized language over the centuries, having taken many words from multiple languages and confusing the hell out of non-native speakers. But people of today's generation do NOT need to go intentionally out of their way to bastardize this already-confusing language further.

"Hipster": 'Eya homes, whaddup yo?! Layin' th'cuts straight ballinz, fo shizzle?!"

Person who speaks proper English: "Learn some basic English, fucker. I've got no idea what the hell you're saying."


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