What is Entremanure?
1. A person who sells bullshit for a living.
2. A person who is constantly starting new businesses that are absolute crap.
1. Dude, did you hear that Bill tripled his money day-trading penny stocks? Yeah, but don't forget he's a professional entremanure.
2. Trent and Blaine are starting their fifth internet startup. This one is going to enable companies to analyze fleet usage characteristics in real-time. They are two enteremanures of the highest magnitude.
An individual owner of a small, start-up business who is, in the end, totally full of shit; a new business owner who lacks experience in management, marketing, accounting, etc.; a business owner who develops or markets a "new" product that is utterly useless, ridiculous, or just plain stupid. Variations include "entremanurial" (adj.), entremanurism (n.)
I'd like you to meet Rob, who sells edible undies that taste like broccoli. He's a real up-and-coming entremanure.
My client, who opened a Victoria's Secret store in Islamabad, definitely has the 21st century entremanurial spirit.
An entremanure is a governing body that has the power to talk absolute bollocks while still sounding elusively motivational, thus giving an air of being powerful when, in fact, the speaker is actually a 17 year old business student with ginger pubes.
"Thinks he's a proper little entremanure that one, he's even got an obligatory "manager's" hard-on"
The shredded lawn stuff they sell in bags every spring at mom-and-pop gas stations.
Ah, spring, when a young man's fancy turns to gardening. Time to get gas for the mower and pick up a couple bags of entremanure.