
What is E-peen?


internet slang for ego, pride, or attitude in the virtual world. long standing net definition for the age old "bigger penis" arguement.

"SW III was nothing but a bunch of Lucas e-p33n."

"I just slaughtered 28 people in that game of Battlefield 2 and never died. Man my e-p33n feels huge."


e - meaning online

peen - short for penis

A person's ego, pertaining exclusively to their online personality.

e.g. a big e-peen = a big online ego.

Unlike rl-peens (i.e. a real life penis), e-peens are 'flexed', brandished, whipped around, (or otherwise used) with unfailing regularity.

Another difference between e-peens and rl-peens are that e-peens can shrink and grow exorbitantly, i.e. more than a regular penis would with an erection.

By saying that all those players are nubs, you are just flexing your e-peen.

See ego, internet, 4chan, forums, e-peen flexing


v. used to describe the act of showing off or stroking one's own ego, esp. with regard to computer game prowess.

1337s4v10r: U l00zrz just bitch coz u dont no how 2 play ur toons rite!!!11 lern 2 play, fuktards!!one11

casual_gamer: There's always some asshole e-peening on this forum <ignore button>.

See epeen, pwn, ego, troll


(noun) A reference to male genitalia in the world of computer forums.

Bob- "Dood! I totally Pwn Joo!"

Dave "No man I totally Pwnd Joo!!!"

Sally "Would you guys stop flexing your E-peens?!"


Internet-slang for saying Penis. Most often used on internet message boards, instant-messages, and/or IRc.

On the internet you don't say "I got a bigger penis than you", you say "I got a bigger e-peen than you", because you can't really see it as it's over the internet and therefore electronic in nature.

See Rougie


a 1337-tard (aka computer ricer) uses to make up for their real peen lacking size by dropping rediculous amounts on video cards, and cpus that will be obsolete in 30 mins

1337-tard: ZOMG DUDE I JUST GOT A Geforce999999GTR with racing stripes with macho phallic shit on teh box, next week i'll get the MAD Mathlon 8675309+ sixty-nine and a turbo absolute zero cooler

me: wow dude, you must be a fucktard, to put all that shit together for some e-peen points on hardocp forums


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