
What is Epiglottis?


n. a small flap or folding covering the entrance to the espophagus that opens to allow food to pass through before it reaches the stomach

Oh, no! There must be something wrong with my epiglottis because it won't open and I can't get any food down my throat...I'll surely be choking by the time I finish this sentence!

See throat, swallow, mouth


one of the other definitions for epiglottis was very very very wrong. it's actually the flap covering the tube going down to your lungs. It opens so that air can get down, but closes so food doesn't get down into your lungs.

"Mother, I have a horrible cough. There must be a whole crapload of mucus on my epiglottis."

See epiglotis, Kister


Word frequently used in Countdown

Wow Andy, thats a pretty sweet looking epiglottis you've got there!

See Mike


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