Epsom Summersaults

What is Epsom Summersaults?


If a room smells funny and has been mysteriously been repainted (any colour from 'mission brown'to 'avocado green' {what have you been eating?}) this is probably because someone was using "epsom summersaults".

This is an play on words of:

Epsom salts - A diarrhoeic agent.

Summersault- putting your head between your legs and rolling forwards.

It is used to describe a mess left behind in a bathroom, where someone has missed the bowl, left a skid markor generally left feacal matter all over the carpet, walls, roof, furniture, dog or anything not covered in cling film.

Leaves the same mess as a Di-hurl, although not in unison

1: I've just been to the dunny, I think someone has been doing "Epsom summersaults".

2: Well, it was one hell of a party.

1: It looks like the shithit the fan... Literally

Laugh Out Loud (provided you don't have to clean it up.)

See di-hurl, diarrhoea, shit, shit hit the fan


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