
What is E-racist?


The person too scared to reveal their racist feelings in person (for fear of ridicule or getting beat the fuck up), so they revert to blogs and/or forum posts on the internet to show their prejudice for people of other races/creeds/religions etc.

-Video of a white kid faceplanting on a skateboard:

E-racist post: lol, that kid got pwwwned...

-Video of a black kid faceplanting on a skateboard:

E-racist post: LMAO, sparkling wiggle got destroyed!!! Whats the matter, too much fried chicken and watermelon? Lol pour some grape soda over it, you'll feel fine. Maybe you should go back to basketball, coon!

See racist, racism, black people, sparkling wiggles, white people


People who post hate filled messages via internet. E-Racists are too afraid to expose their true racist belifes in real life for fear of being beaten up or stabbed.

Your typical e-racist will be a white male from the ages of 12-40 all of which still live with their parents.

You can find their postings on random porn sites in which they see the size of another races genitalia and become extremely jealous.

You can also find E-Racist postings on Urban Dictionary in which these little bastards post definition to words like coon, nigger, and tar baby

White kid #1: "Dude, look at all those black guys gang banging that white hooker!"

White kid #2: "How come we never gang banged a white hooker?"

White kid #1: "I dunno but it makes me angry! (Types) Fucking jungle bunny niggers stealing up all the good respectable white hookers..."

White kid #2: "Dude, thats not cool!"

White kid#1: "Its ok man i'm only an E-Racist!"

See internet, racist, nigger, honky, blog, posting, porn


A person that posts racist comments on the internet. Includes any individual or entity that disseminates, reinforces or perpetuates messages of racial hate via the web. A phenomenon known as e-racism.

I can always count on the e-racists to come out of the wood work and post fucked-up comments on the web every time a black person is voted off a reality show.

Example #2: I was not at all surprised by all the e-racists that posted comments on Youtube agreeing with Michael Richards rant.

See racist, prejudice, hate, racism, bigot


someone whose a racist online,but in real life would never say the shit they think about a race in public.

guy1#:fuck niggers!

guy2#:say that shit off the computer to a group of black people

guy1#:nah im just an e-racist

See racist, race, stereotype, loser, lame


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