
What is Eraserhead?


Eraserhead is the most disturbing, warped, and surreal films possibly ever made. The movie is very well made, good acting, incredible cinematography and special effects (i.e. the baby) so well done it will make your skin crawl as you wonder "Is that thing real?" The baby is so hideous, it's slight off pitch cry is the only thing that is even remotely human about it.Would I recommend this movie? It depends. To most, I would strongy encourage them NOT to watch, it's too bizarre, it's too weird. But then, to some who can take it, I would highly recommend it. In terms of bizarreness, Pi is the only other movie that even comes close, but even that looks like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood in comparison to Eraserhead.

Eraserhead, along with 2001: A Space Odyssey, is the ultimate trip.


1. A burnout

2. A drughead, dope fiend (particularly one lacking intellect or common sense)

3. Awesome psychological horror film directed by David Lynch, released in 1977.

4. Was one of Kubrick's favorite movies.

"Zippo is a lazy eraserhead."

"Eraserhead is an excellent flick to watch while high on drugs."


someone who has eaten so much acid that he or she isnt too coherent anymore

Ozzy fucking Osbourne is a retarded eraserhead.

See nose


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