What is Ere?
word to say when you have nothing to say at all, being pestered by some a-hole on aim just toss a couple of ere ere's his way and he will back off.
<Some Jackass> So when are we gonna hang out?
<You> ere ere
<Some Jackass> Make love to me......
Early English term for "before" or "previous to."
You better catch those papers ere they fall and scatter on the floor...
a short version of the word here
(friend) where are you mate?
(you) im ere
(friend) oh rite be with you in a minute
antiquated form of "before" or "sooner than"
LADY MACBETH: Fie, for shame!
MACBETH. Blood hath been shed ere now, i' the olden time, Ere human statute purged the gentle weal (...)
-An ugly tall, gangly, girl who resembles Jar Jar Binks and has a lip that hangs. She also dances very strangely and is too nice.
-A new age code word for shoplifting at Wal-mart or Bookstores.
-Ere is so fucking annoying.
-Let's go ere some pink grapefruit body wash at walmart!!