
What is E-relationship?


An E-Relationship, also known as internet dating, is often common around a younger generation of people, or the older lonely types. It can last if the people actually see each other every now and then, but usually it sends someone down into a spiraling depression. Often the relationship will just not go anywhere, probably one another are too far away from each other to have any sort of intimacy, making it seem like it isn't going anywhere. Hence the depression and loss of social life. It is one big emotional roller coaster if you play your cards right.

Furri #1: Hey babe, what's goood?

Furri #2: I think we have a prollem......................

Furri #1: WHAT!!1! D:

Furri #2: I'm not myself, I want to break up

Furri #1: -signs offline and cries self to sleep-

Furri #1's Friend: Told you your E-Relationship would never last. Now your turning into an emo furri.

See furry, depression, sadness


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