Error Reporting

What is Error Reporting?


A new thing in Windows XPfor the user to have the option of sending in the error to Microsoft. It is said to be useless and annoying, but in future years(3-5) Theres errors will be programmed and used to help...but they have no effect on the programs right now.

To disable these annoying things, go to Control Panal>Performance and Maintenance>System>Advanced>Error Reporting>Check 'Disable error reporting.'

Or you may just right click the My Computer icon and go to Properties>Advanced>Error Reporting>Disable

See Taylor


One of the most annoying 'features of Windows XP. However, it does produce the orgasmic feeling of telling Microsoftthat there has been yet another problem with thier "operating" system

Windows Error Reporting has encountered an error, would you like you send an error report?


The ani-christ of the Windows XP, it automatically shuts off the window, thus making you start all over. If your computer is screwed-up enough, the amount of them you can get in a day can drive you into tears.

Me:There, my article is almost complete. Now I just click submit...


Me:Dammit, oh well. I'll just rewrite it...


Me:What the hell?







(jumps out 3rd story window)

See evil, windows xp, shit, computer, horror


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