
What is Escorts?


Escort - to guide, to set right; act as a companion or guard.

Escorts are temporary companions for hire that generally require overhead. This is part of the reason that Escorts charge more than streetwalkers.

Escorts may run ads; need makeup, phones, teeth, and other accessories. Escorts may have web sites and use agencies. Streetwalkers generally do not. All a Streetwalker has to do is step off of the curb.

Sarita was one of those high class Escorts before she turned to drugs.

See whore, courtesan, streetwalker, street walker, street whore, prostitute, call girl, escort, hooker, harlot, ho, hoe, mistress, strumpet, receptacle, whornado, gisang, madame, concubine, slut, tramp, porn star, crack whore, shrew, tease, trick, lapdog, whoremonger, junkie, addict, crackhead, druggie, fiend, tweaker, basehead, dopefiend, analingus, fellatio, cunnilingus, rimming, tea bagging, teabag, blowjob, deep throat, facial, nasty, golden shower, blowapalooza, train, whorehouse, bordello, brothel, crib, nunnery, cathouse, flophouse, stroll, half and half, incall, outcall, doggie, missionary, 69, sado-masochism, discipline, bondage, bdsm, s&m, fetish, dominatrix, kinky, dominance, dome, submissive, femdom, hump, smother, choke, squeeze, crush, pressure, force, milk, push, pat


Escorts = A community, agency or collective group of more than one escort. A group who may Escort another person and partake of Escorting activities

An example would be an escorts agency or a community of escorts in a forum or a news board or a collective term to describe all people who describe themselves as an escort or call girl.

See escorts, escort, call girl, escorts


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