What is Eshan?
eshan is a word used to describe somebody of indian heritage, but only the sweetest of indian's can merrit this title. they are also occasionally alcoholics.
White Kid: Mihir Mukherjoe is a total eshan. he has banged every girl in our grade.
other kid: yeah, but ahmna is not, he isn't cool enough to be an eshan.
Asian pop culture, usually only used by actual asians or wannebes
asian friend: lets go eshan shopping in market city ><
friend: sorry, i cant, im white :(
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See:sheep. Range maggot is an epithet applied to sheep. It derives from the appearance of a green pasture with white blobs wiggling ac..
Used when something awesome happens and can be used in place of words such as "cool" and "tight"
Meaghan: Theres a ..
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