What is Ethnically Challenged?


Someone who is Jamaican, Bangladeshi, Korean, Jewish or (even better!) of mixed race, is ethnic, right? Then it follows that anyone who ticks that incredibly boring box "white" on forms is NOT ethnic... i.e. ethnically challenged. I feel so utterly conventional every time I do it. Spare a thought for these people, will you? It's hard being so mainstream, sometimes I pretend my Celtic roots count, but I am only lying to myself.

"I wish I was a cool as *ethnic person*, but unfortunately I'm ethnically challenged."

"Obama is of half black, half white. This makes him more ethnically challenged than a normal black person, but then again McCain is completely off the scale."

"Conan O'Brien is more ethnically challenged than Jon Stewart, I suppose in the media it's all relative though."

See cracker, whitey, race, colour


Politically correct way to say "Minority".

He's not Mexican, he's ethnically challenged


1. Adjective. Describes a person or group of people who are overzealous regarding their race and/or religious heratige.

2. Adjective. Describes a person or group of people who use their race and/or religious heritage to claim that they are unfairly discriminated against even if no such descrimination is taking place.

This term can be an insult to its subject and it can be a sarcastic wey to make fun of political correctness while avoiding the use of a racial slur, or both.

1. Look at that one! Gold teeth, baggy pants with the asscrack showing, and that loud obnoxious ghetto rap blaring out of that jam box in his welfare Cadillac...boy is he ethnicaly challenged!

2. I am sick and tired of hearing these ethnically challenged liberal preachers bitching about discrimination, especially when my taxes pay their welfare checks!

See nigger, spic, jew, dago, camel jockey, spear chucker, fagot, dyke, ghetto, thug, niggaz, nigga, porch monkey, spade, jigaboo, racist, kkk, bigot, racism, race, ethnicity, ethnic, politically correct, political correctness, politically incorrect


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