What is Eureka 7?
Eureka 7 is a successful mecha anime series produced by Bones.
While being no more than a typical (but good) science-fiction series involving a love story, it obtained a lot of fans due to the sympathetic and developed characters, such as Eureka, Renton and Holland. It was one of the most memorable anime of 2005 and the most people think of it as an interesting and enjoyable anime.
Eureka 7 is also known as: Eureka Seven; Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven.
Weird japanese Anime that involves Sky Boarding robots, People with green things in their chests, and a freaky blue haired girl (even though it looks AQUA) that turns into a Butterfly.
Eureka: Renton, your up!
Renton: You're beautiful!
Eureka: *Weird searching look*
Renton: Can i touch it?
Eureka: *Hides her butterflyness*
Eureka 7
A japanese television series that consists of writers that are very saturated on {narcotics} and come out with demented ideas for the series, but to be safe in japan they call their illegal substance BONES. Hence the name of the producting company is named BONES.
Ako23, did you see that episode of eureka 7 it was on the BONES man!!
A japanese television series that consists of writers that are very saturated on
Ako, did you see that episode of eureka 7? it was on the BONES man!!