What is Euro?
1) "euro" - single european currency used by all members of the
2) 1 euro = 1.3-something $
"dollars? come on, how much is that in real money?"
Currency that came into affect within the 11 eurozone countries in January 1999. Coins and notes were introduced into circulation in 2002. The European Central Bank (ECB) regulates the monetary policies of the Economic and Monetary Union. Benefits of the euro include reduced transaction costs, reduced uncertainty and risk due to price transparency and merger activity. The main cost is the cost of converting (price signs, tills, vending machines etc)However, this is only short term and if countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia think they can afford it then the UK can.
Jimmy - "Man I sure wish the British public would come to their senses and realise that in the long term the UK should join the euro and stop living in the past. It's just because they're too thick to understand the value of the euro and wouldn't be able to cope with losing their precious pounds"
Billy - "Yea woteva man lets go play computer games"
Coins in the currency are marked on one side with a representation of Europe (or the globe on copper coins) and on the
Bank notes are standardised across the Euro zone and feature representations of different
The Euro started off within a cent of parity with the US dollar; the exchange rate at the time of writing is approaching one Euro to one US dollar and fifty cents. Various countries in the Far East have expressed a preference for the Euro over the dollar as a unit of international currency.
This lager costs five Euro and is way too expensive.
Common european currency used since 01/01/2002, its value is exactly equal to 1000 lire.
Italian and European politicians keep saying that 1 euro equals 1936.27 lire, but nobody believes them.
I used to pay 30000 lire to eat at the restaurant until 2001, now I always spend 30 euro!
1. someone from or living in a european country
2. european
That euro beat is most annoying music ever.
A car imported from Europe and tuned to the max. Not a Ricer but a Euro. Euro has a higher status but a European car can become a Ricer if its driver is a dumbass piece of shit.
"Dude, get that magazine, Euro Tuner."
"Look at that Euro, tight."
Money of the Europeans since the use of different country currencies were too much of a hassle to change. Also refered to as "Stupid Play Money" By Vincent Margera(Viva La Bam) and is usually found in Monoply boxs and comes in colors ranging from White, pink, green, orange, yellow and blue.
Bam Margera: "You owe me One Hundread dollars!"
Don Vito: "Fine! hablafijja mujja, takes 'yer stupid play money!"