
What is Europeans?


the best people on earth who live in the best continent on earth.

I wish I was European, but i'm stuck living in America damn it.


The best people on the Earth, invented most of the shit we use today. Europeans have unique history. We have beautiful cities and countrysides and we found america. Most of the americans are european origin. We also conrolled most of the Africa and rest of the world in 1700-century

wow look at that european! He must be a vise man


People form Europe. Not only France and Germany. Also Polland, UK, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Holland, Bulgary, etc...

but for americans is only France and Germany :P

Europeans are stupids 'cause they suport Sadam Huseein.

You mean Frenchs and Germans. All the others has send soldiers there to kick Sadam ass.


Im stuck in America but aleast my dad is from Europe. Europeans are the most advanced most of the stuff that Americans created are people from European descent. They also ruled the world for many years. There old and new at the same time. I went to Styer (spelling?)in Austria and shoped in a village from the middle ages filled with state of the art electronics.

europe rocks enough said

See Mam


what the Japanese wanna think of about themselves


the most gayest people in the world. They just sit around and breath fog all day and it does nothing but rain in there gay continent. the only thing they do is complain about america because america has all the finest riches and aswome place like disney world and new york

American in disney world: Why are you people so pale and ugly and why do you complain?

European: You stupid fat american! I am extreamly jealous because when i go back to Europe i will be forced to have sex with guys and eat shit and not be able to go to disney world!

American: WOW i hate all Europeans

See europeans, eurotrash, jealous, england, dick


NounUsed to describe someone from the continent of Europe that has small reproductive organs and a tremendously inflated ego. They are a diverse mixture of peoples that enjoy engaging in soccer, which is largely reguarded as an activity for panzies and homosexuals. Due to the success of their North American counter-parts they often resort to "America bashing" which is understandable due to the emabarrisment of being bailed out not once, but twice in a time of war. Although many will not admit that such a situation ever exsisted.

Also can be used to describe someone from the continent of Europe a that has a shity, pathetic, and out dated military, an exception can be made for Germany of course.

European1: "Cunningham are the other Europeans in trouble?"

European2: "Oh poppy cock Elizabeth, its only the French getting steam rolled"

Bob: "Look at all those gays"

Frank:"No Bob, those are Europeans"

US Army Guy: "Those Europeans can't shoot for shit"

US Army Guy2: "Yeah, there a bunch of jackasses"

"I think Euopeans should get there heads out of their asses"

See gay, fag, homo, europe, owned, arrogant, snooty, panzy


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