Evil Dead

What is Evil Dead?


Evil Dead is a majorly overlooked film with thousands of cult followers. They are all hilarious, and have a ludacris amount of gore. All three are worthy of a rent, if not, a buy. The all have classic quotes, and in short, WATCH THEM!

"Hail to the King, baby"


Under rated, bout one of the best horror movies of all time.

Evil Dead is a movie that made me scared to go down the cellar...


A zombie-based horror series, Directed by Sam Raimi, that spanned from the late 70s (Evil Dead) to the early 90s (Army of Darkness) that starred Bruce Campbell (known most recently for his Voice Work in the Spider-man: The Movie and Spider-Man 2 games). This movie (along with the "Night/Dawn/Day of the Dead" series) helped to revolutionize the genre of Zombie Horror... and in Evil Dead's case make a crossover to Zombie comedy.

Many of todays commen Zombie effects are based on effects pioneered in the Evil Dead and Romero zombie movies.


The Evil Dead series is a classic horror film. Its totaly unique. I believe Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn is the best in the series. The films are well rememberd for Bruce Campbell's catch phrases:)


"Yo! Shebitch!....(cock of the shotgun)...Lets go!

"Then lets head down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch."

See Graeme


the evil dead is the best fucking movie EVER it is HILARIOUS!!! especially when the car drags the tree branch, and when ash runs into the door!! and no matter WHAT chasity sais, the evil dead II is awesomely funny!! GO OUT AND RENT ALL 3!!!

"give me my hand back!"

"ill break your face!"

and the magnafying glass necklace ;-)

ooohh and how bookshelves always fall on ash =( poor ash...

for untimate movie-watching satisfaction, rent the Evil Dead (on VHS, not DVD) and watch it with your BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!


A seriously kick ass movie with spells and zombies and gore and all kinds of wierd ass shit!

Join us! Join us! Join us! Join us!


Besides dawn of the dead and day of the dead the evil dead seris is the shit

zombie horrors kick ass

See Campbell


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