
What is Evolutionist?


Supposedly a word for someone who believes (in actuality, has knowledge of) evolution. This is a funny word because you don't find it anywhere outside creationist websites.

That would make me an evolutionist, if I can use that word outside of the pointless evolution/creation debate.

See Killing Kittens


One who argues that evolution is the correct theory of origins for life on earth (instead of creationism or Intelligent Design). The word was coined by creationists as a way to mischaracterize scientists that denounce creationism. "Evolutionist" implies that evolution is merely an unsupported belief ultimately interchangeable with creationism. In fact, most scientists "believe" in evolution because the of the great amount of research and empirical evidence that supports it. The word evolutionist is a mildly offensive term to most scientists.

I see no reason to read the works of noted evolutionist Prof. Steve Steve-- the Bible has all the evidence I need.

See darwinism, creationism, intelligent design, creationist, kansas


-Doesn't actually exist. There is no such faction or mindset as an 'evolutionist', which has so far not prevented the more literal-minded creationists from leaping on the title.

Evolutionist. -A fine example of poor English topped off with a platform to stand on.


a person who rejects Creationism as an alternate theory despite huge amounts of contrary evidence, including radiohaloes in diamonds, and many other minerals.

a person who thinks that if you leave some slime in a room with special conditions for billions of years, something will appear (provided nothing living is in the room during that time)

a person who thinks that if you lock a million monkeys in a room with typewriters (given they will not die or be hurt in any way for eternity, and the typewriters can type an infinite amount of text), they will type "At the pet store, Bob bought some hamsters and parrots." after a few billion years. By mathematics 7.390804722X10^76 years provided they typed a key every one eighth of a second, ignoring the Laws of Thermodynamics. It is a simple sentence, but 7X10^76 years is well over even a billion billion years. It takes even more time for a simple virus or cell to appear out of a blob of 'primeval goo.'

(It takes much more time to turn virus or prokaryote into even a plant or fungus)

evolutiionistbeagledarwincharles science thermodynamics laws logic


See controversy, debate, science, logic, thermodynamics


a person, essentially going back to the old theory of Abiogenesis.

a person who rejects Creationism as an alternate theory despite huge amounts of contrary evidence, including radiohaloes in diamonds, and many other minerals.

a person who thinks that if you leave some slime in a room with special conditions for billions of years, something will appear (provided nothing living is in the room during that time)

a person who thinks that if you lock a million monkeys in a room with typewriters (given they will not die or be hurt in any way for eternity, and the typewriters can type an infinite amount of text), they will type "At the pet store, Bob bought some hamsters and parrots." after a few billion years. By mathematics 7.390804722X10^76 years provided they typed a key every one eighth of a second, ignoring the Laws of Thermodynamics. It is a simple sentence, but 7X10^76 years is well over even a billion billion years. It takes even more time for a simple virus or cell to appear out of a blob of 'primeval goo.'

(It takes much more time to turn virus or prokaryote into even a plant or fungus)

This article is not written in a way that should ridicule those believing in evolution, but the cases mentioned are realistic

evolutiionistbeagledarwincharles science thermodynamics laws logic


See controversy, debate, science, logic, thermodynamics


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