What is Ewp?
EWP stands for East Weymouth Projects .
they think they`re the baddest people in the world well go to boston and see how long you live there .
all the 15 and 16 year olds think that weed is cool and drinking is the best thing ever .
theyy all think weed is the biggest drug but it's only a gateway drug and leads to coke and heroine . well have dying project kids .
they have their own little EWP sign that they do with their hands they can't just make the
15 year old kid : wanna smoke and drink tonight . i got weed .
other kid : you are so gay, no wonder you have no friends .
other 15 year old : FUCK YEAA I'LL DRINK AND SMOKE WIT YA .
other kid : well have killing yaselves PEACE . OH WAIT YOU DON'T CARE EWP KIDS ARE TO COOL FOR THAT