What is Exclamation Marks!!!!!?


Ecstatic punctuation: spontaneous signature stain sleft by excitedclam s.

From the Rulesof the Nutwood Forest Naturist Association:

Lady members visiting the restaurant are reminded to place towels on the chairs before sitting down, in order to avoid leaving EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

May God go with you in good health.

Signed: The Committee.

See x, clam, melba embrocation, stain, punani, read my lips, flapdoodles, slit, signature, beaver-spit, pantry, post-it note, muff, graffiti, minge, message, gusset typing, self expression, moist, mystic, sticky, memo, hirsute, hieroglyphics, quim, quotation, chuff, utterance, impromptu, inner, labia, ad lib, rubbing, up, spam-garter, performance art, south, froth, pork shutters, splutter, repetition, splash, gush, dorset, dew, clover, overflow, clopper, droppings, mitten, evidence, cunit, chronicles, the oval, oracle, apt, aunt, action, annals, chairwoman, herstory, doing the necessary, tinkle the ivories, mafeking!, excitement, result, relief, satisfaction, Persson


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