
What is Ex-conformist?


Someone who was once a hypocritical conformist who saw the bullshit in it all. Then, they became a hypocritical non-conformist (really just the early stages of getting used to how full of bullshit they still are after years of it). From this point on, they will peel layers of bullshit away year by year (sometimes by choice, other times from hard unsavory lessons that have the power to scar minds). They will never be well-adjusted, and, in the end, see no reason to be.

An ex-conformist is someone who just said, "Fuck it." Only for them, this was not a stage. They revel in this self-realization while feeling the pain of their knowing human flaws, often leading them to despise the human race, who are often busy calling them conformists or criticizing them for being full of themselves and thinking they're not conformist FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES (often leading to self-destruction). Really, two definitions here. Oh, well. Fuck it.

See conformist, non-conformist, chaotic


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