
What is Excramate?


n. : excramate

v. : to excramate

adj. excramation

bonus : excramation point (shit pulled out of ones ass on the finger and drawn into an exclamation point with an animted "dot" at the bottom) in other words the own.

- sajpp.

n.:You might wanna get that excramate off yo face.

v.: I just excramated all over oneself.

adj.: Thats some excramatory shit nig.

bonus.: What's that, this exclamation point is missing? Suck my dick, "act of an excramation point"...excramation point bitc.

- Sac.

See excrement, turd, feces, crap, poop, dump, cud, dung, upchuck, hurl, shit, regurgitate, scat, vomit, shit-hurl, slimer, faeces, kiss, log, shite, turdkiss, ass, defecate, defecation, deuce, diarrhea, fart, fecal matter, globular, cluster, loaf, piss, stool, toilet, urine, can, constipation, coprilite, defecant, defication, dingleberry, dirty, dirty sanchez, doggy style, excrementitious


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