
What is Exfuga?


A word originally meaning Extremely Fun Games put together to be one word.

After 2004 it was then meant to be a name with no meaning, and was to represent a RPG web site known as exfuga

Exfuga is a RPG website called Extremely Fun Game.


n. Extremely Fun Games

Background: This is the name of a website that was created on February 17, 2003. It is made 100% by Tim Weichselbaum. It was first planned to be a website that provided free flash games, all made by a few staff members who would belong to the site. This idea lasted for a while, but it wasn't very fun. Then after learning new programming languages, the webmaster made the site dynamic, starting with highscore tables for the games. Soon there was a whole membership system. But all that you were able to do was sign up, log in, and send messages to other users. Weeks later, the point system was added, and soon you were able to get points from playing games. Then the bank was added, and other stuff like the forum. People wondered what they were supposed to do with the points they earned so items were added, with shops. The first couple of items were the rings. Then came much more items. people wondered what they were supposed to do with these items, so the gallery system was added. This is where members can show off the items they earned. This was not enough. People wanted to use the weapons they had for fighting. After closing down the site for 2 months, and reopening on September 30th, 2003, the battling system was born. People were able to fight other members live. There were several bugs at first but after lots of concentration it was working fine. Months after the reopening, features like the lottery, and stock market were created for more ways to earn points. Many more features have been added since.

Let's go to exfuga


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