
What is Existance?


This is the wrong way to spell "existence". There is no "a" in existence -- or in definitely, for that matter.

The same people who spell this wrong also can't seem to grasp the difference between "your" and "you're" or "their" and "they're", something the rest of us mastered in third grade.

"Your definately the most excellant guitarest in existance."

--a complete idiot

Maybe if you weren't functionally illiterate, you'd have a more "excellant" job.

See definate, definately, idiot, moron, spellcheck


when someone or somthing is real(or not listened to)

'i am human yooh noe i do exist'said ms.w wen the class was ignoring er.she thought she wasnt in existance.

See stupid, existance, exist, english


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