
What is Extenze?


An infomercial airing between midnight and 6 a.m. Apparently, the ad people at Extenze think that anyone who stays up late thinks they have a small penis. The infomercial itself is riddled with scripted dialogue with people who can barely speak English. If you happen to be bored while watching the infomercial, there's definitely a Girls Gone Wild commercial on a neighboring channel.

Hey broseph, I have really low self-esteem so I jerk off to Girls Gone Wild commercials after ordering Extenze to increase the size of my microscopic penis!

See extenze, girls gone wild, boobs


A pill that causes freakish and gargantuan erections.

After my man took extenze, his penis was so large that when I saw it I laughed, and when I sat on it I cried.

See scam, garbage, fraud, bigger


Extenze is a produ​ct of which​ turns​ you black​ from the insid​e out, thus resul​ting in extre​me wiene​r enlar​gemen​t.​ if taken​ for over 7 month​s one'​s lips will begin​ to enlar​ge great​ly and vocab​ulary​ will be short​ened to 6 or 7 words​,​ depen​ding on wheth​er you will be order​ing Origi​nal Recip​e or Crisp​y.​ Obesi​ty is commo​n,​ due to mass amoun​t of sugar​y drink​s requi​red to be consu​med.​ Your bank accou​nt will dwind​le down to nothi​ng in a matte​r of days due to the many unpay​ed rent payme​nts and/​or drugl​ord debts​ you end up in. Anoth​er commo​n side effec​t is dry mouth​ and irrit​abilt​y due to high level​s of marij​uana intak​e.​ It is advis​ed not to take this produ​ct if you live in inner​-​citie​s where​ taxi-​cabs are prese​nt,​ as this may tempt​ you to steal​ one or sixte​en a night​.​ Pleas​e be aware​ of these​ side affec​ts befor​e takin​g Exten​ze.​

I got started on Extenze four months ago and I've already gained mild thyroid glade swelling!

See micropenis, buttsecks, black, gip, whiteboy


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