
What is Extras?


Extras are something you want, for example when your getting an oriental massage or something. This always implies sexual extras. Thai massages, acupressure, acupuncture but not swedish or shiatsu massages, (they don't do extras). Koreans are usually best...

How was your massage ? It was a waste of money, no extras.

How'd it go ? That miss Kim is the best !

See everything, erotic, exotic, doggie


nounANYTHING that is UNNECESSARY, uneeded or extraneous. Used in a negative way to describe an exaggeration, amplification, boasting, something that is avoidable, unrequired or useless.

"Dude, you're extras! Sit the fuck down and shut up!"

"Man, that party was extras! It was a cock-fest! Told you we should have gone to the club instead."

"This game is extras! You can't even get past the 1st boss without getting owned."

See unnecessary, avoidable, useless, worthless


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