What is F A B?


FAB from the TV show "Thunderbirds" stood for "Full Acknowledgement of Braodcast." Gerry Anderson, the producer of "Thunderbirds" was known for these obscure catch phrases. In another series "Captain Scarlet" he usied SIG which stood for "Spectrum Is Green" They both meant roughly," ten-four", "I copy" and "roger that."

Jeff Tracy: "Scott set up a perimeter so Virgil can put down Thunderbird 2"

Scott: "F A B"

Colonel White: "All units return to base."

Captain Scarlett: "S I G"

See okay, 10-4, roger that, wilco


Funky Ass Breath, nasty smelling breath

Jim:hey sally want to go to the movies on friday

Sally(with bad breath:yea i would love to

Jim: Damn Girl u got some F A B would u like a mint.

See nasty breath, bad breath, ass face, WDT


Acronym for Fake Ass Bitch. A female who is a complete facade. She is made up of lies and is completely unreliable.

PJ: Did that girl that gave you her number and told you to call her ever call you back man?

Sheldon: Nah, I called twice and she screened the shit outta me. She's a fuckin' F A B.

See sprinkler, ho, fake, bitch


From the puppet cult TV series by Gerry Anderson, 'Thunderbirds'. Alternative for 'Loud and Clear' in radio transmissions. Apparently according to Gerry on the thunderbirdsarego website, 'Fabulous' was a buzzword of the 60's, often shortened to 'Fab' and for the show it became F.A.B

Scott 'Okay, come back to Tracy Island'

Virgil 'F A B'


The initials of your bff because her mum rocks out and gave her awesome initials, jealous?

FAB- the coolest initials ever, also describes my mood-- ALWAYS!

F: Fawn (first name)

A: (middle name lol)

B: (last name!)

Friends: Fawn, how are you today??

Fawn: ab f a b!

See fab, fabulous, f


"I got your order", "Loud and clear", "over and out" "Fabulous".

A difinitive explanation has never really been found. But, fans of the Thunderbirds all know what I mean

"Scott, direct Thunderbird 1 to the base camp."



Final Audio Broadcast,from the show Thunderbirds

Return to base,thunderbird two.

F A B, Father.

See thunderbirds, slang, message, abbreviation


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