F Off

What is F Off?


it means fuck off like u fucker cant fuck wid dfis so f off

david: yo

ballard: f off u retarded northern piece of shit

david: no f off ur self u shit face londoner u suck monkey nuts


it means fuck off

thats all it means its plain and simple and used when your words are censored like in online chatrooms and gaming and in public places like school.

f off and die biatch translates to fuck off and die bitch

the "bad" words are replaced or omitted so you can get you point across when someone pisses you off.

Person 1 "your ugy"

Person 2 " f off"

See fuck off, fo, fuck, fauk


1.short for fuck off

2.used online when words are censored



"You ruined my car on purpose so why dont you go f off!" (fuck off)


person1: "your typing sucks today"

person2: "f off, loser"

person1: " my aren't we touchy...."

See fuck off, f off, fuck you, fuck


term used by those that embrace abbreviations wholly

"come to the can machine with me?"



A shortened term meaning face off. Many people confuse this for a harsh, insulting word when really it means someone wants to engage in a battle.

Person 1: Hey, you look kinda funny today

Person 2: F off! (Face off)

Person 1: Bring it!

*Battle begins*

See face off, battle, war, fight


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