What is Facebook Limbo?
The electronic space between accepting and rejecting a
(At the bar)
Jim: How about that new kid, Ryan. He's so cool.
Thom: I dunno man, he already tried to facebook me, wtf?
Jim: So?
Thom: So I'm leaving him in facebook limbo, I don't want him
jo 'ing to pictures of my drunk girlfriend...
(At the lunchroom)
Alex's Stalker Ex: Why didn't you add me to your friends on facebook? I friend requested you last week! I thought we were
friends now! How come every day when I go through your whole list of friends I'm not on there?
Alex: Baby, it's okay, I just haven't had a chance to approve you.
More popularly known as "facebook purgatory." You put someone in facebook purgatory the second time the friend request you after they have been denied, or whenever else you feel it necessary. This guarantees you never have to deny the person again, and at the same time they cannot hound you.
I was once friend requested by a girl 6 times. She was rejected 5 times and then finally on the 6th time I decided that was enough and now she is now eternally in my pending friend request area a.k.a. facebook limbo.
If you get a friends request on Facebook, if you want to, you can refrain from either accepting or rejecting the request, instead keeping them hanging. Usually done 1) if you do not want to be friends with them, but it might cause trouble if you rejected them, or 2) if they already friended you a few times and you rejected them, yet they can't take a hint.
Note the subtle difference between Facebook limbo and
Check out my facebook limbo: my first grade teacher, my boss at work, that pothead from Last Chance State whom I always see at the bar, and the fat chick whom I already rejected three times.