Facebook Requestfest

What is Facebook Requestfest?


When your either bored, looking for a someone that you know has a facebook or just a loser who has low self esteem about his/her amount of friends and you go looking on your other friends friends list and just request a shit load of people whether random or "why are they not on my list all ready??!!!!!!". It generally rapes your wall and others home pages with "+1 So and so is friends with so and so" as if the whole world need to know that. Also know as a facebook friend request rampage.

Example of Facebook requestfest:

Kid: wtf I only have 8 friends let me have a Facebook requestfest

*Next day* kid: wtf 99 new notification wtf did I do..oh I remember I had a Facebook requestfest!


"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"

"+1 So and so is friends with so and so"*

Oh boy my wall has been raped with friend request.

See facebook, friend request


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