
What is Facebooker?


A high school or college student that spends an exceptional amount of time posting and browsing on Facebook; usually spending more than a half-hour a day on Facebook.

I could tell a guy on my floor was a facebooker when he was wasting hours of his time a day posting on Facebook.

See facebook, myspace, college, student, socialite


one who is obsessed with being on facebook. spends so much time on facebook they know eveyone's status and their conversations with others.

michael webb always knows when I update my status on facebook. he is such a facebooker.

See facebook, creeper, stalker, obsessed


origin: portmanteau of facebook and hooker. circa 2006

1. a person who friend-request strangers and use wallposts as a way to meet new people

2. a person who spends obscene amounts of time on facebook, waiting for a new message/wall post and replies to messages immediately hoping the recipient hasn't logged off yet

3. a person who frequently changes their facebook status so that they will appear on their friend's home screen

4. a person who will make pointless posts on their friends' walls to elicit more posts on their own walls in order to appear more popular

5. a person who feels depressed when he/she doesn't receive a facebook notification for an hour.

Steve- "This girl looks really popular. She gets wall posts every 10 minutes."

Joe- "No, she's just a facebooker. She has never met half of those people, and she is initiating every wall-to-wall conversation."

See facebook, hooker, facebooker, whore, desperate, friend, i, wanna, shag, melina, smith, so, bad, but, never, met, her


Cool person who realizes MySpace sucks and just wants web presence to keep in touch with friends.

MySpace is ghey, so I'm a facebooker now.

See facebook, myspace, friends, sucks, ghey


A member of generation Y. Someone born in the 1980's or 1990's.

All the facebookers love Obama.

See generation y


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