What is Facebookery?
The shenanigans or hoodwinks that go on when one posts false or deliberately misleading information on facebook as a joke. Typically occurring within insular real-world communities also connected via facebook.
"Are they really engaged, or is that just facebookery?"
The various drama, memes, and other complications arising from and concerning
Such as: "It isn't official until it is on facebook" and how people invite everyone and their grandmother to the Adriana Lima appreciation group....just because they can.
Frank: Bill looks like a guy, but dating him isn't out of the question until he fills out his profile on Facebook.
Bill: What the hell man!? Chill with the Facebookery!
The shenanigans or hoodwinks that go on when one posts false or deliberately misleading information on facebook as a joke. Typically occurring within insular real-world communities also connected via facebook.
"Are they really engaged, or is that just facebookery?"