What is Facehorn?
The facial expression equivalent of honking someone with a car horn.
Used for expressing displeasure towards the actions of a rude, obnoxious or annoying person.
It does not always have to be directed towards the offending person but can be used as a means of expressing your displeasure to others, as a means of attracting empathy.
There is a FACEBOOK group for users of the facehorn (with explanatory photos) which anyone can join: "dont make me face horn you"
"Facehorn ": When someone pushes infront of you in a queue, bumps into you on the sidewalk, decides to leave a party early, or generally makes a dick move etc etc
It can also be used in conversation:
"I dont think ultimate frisbee is a sport"
It can also be used as an abbreviation in online chat:
"I dont think Miranda Kerr is hot"