
What is Faceoff?


A variation of the bread game where 2 contestants square off to not be the last one to ejaculate on the bread. Contestants must maintain eye contact. A popular game among frat bros.

Eric: "Bro for initiation into Pi Kapp, we had a round robin series of faceoffs."

Ryan: "Yeah? Bro, How'd you do?"

Eric: "Let's just say I'm never eating bread pudding again"

See round robin, motherman, pressurespot, fingerslam, handjobs


When two people with the same name on FaceBook "friend" each other then swap profile pictures.

Each "friend" assumes the identity of the other, and updates their home pages as if they were the other person, creating a quantum entanglement of their separate identities.

Hey! I found another guy with my name on FaceBook. For April Fools Day, we did a FaceOff and confused everyone! It was great!

Somehow, he ended up with a date with my sister.

See facebook, swap, quantum entanglement, april fools


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