
What is Failblog?


A site that contains hilarious images and videos of embarresing mistakes and confusions.

Jess and I were bored so we went onto Failblog.

See failblog, mistake, confusion, hilarious, funny, image, video


Either you love it, or you hate it.

If you love it, congrats.

If you hate it, it's because you liked it before it was cool, and now it's really annoying to see the world catch up with what you thought was funny many months ago. Like seeing Napoleon Dynamite or Invader Zim, thinking it's hilarious, then seeing it capitalized to the point that you're so fucking sick of it you forgot why it was funny in the first place.

It's an annoying thing to hate. Because really you should be patting yourself on the back for knowing what's funny. You could be a fucking producer knowing what the world will love. But no, you can't kill that hardwiring. We will continue to hate failblog, and those who keep using "FAIL" as a meme, for they are stabbing the wounded.

Shmuck: Hey, you see that sign on failblog?

Internet-savvy man: Ten months ago. Old shit, man. Let's focus on new information to process and fuck your failblog.

See failblog, fail


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