
What is Failnade?


A grenade, often in FPS games, that does not go where intended that may:

1) Bounce back and harm and/or kill you.

2) Miss the target completely.

I heaved a disgruntled sigh as I was obliterated by my failnade.

See fail, phail, nade, grenade, fps


In the Counter-Strike Source Mod known as Zombie Mod, an improperly thrown grenade (or any grenade thrown by a n00b) results in failnade, which instead of hurting the zombies, propels them forward into whatever spot you are trying to defend, resulting in failure.

The BirdMan, YeaH!: Fire in the hole!

ZOMBIEMAN X--> The Birdman, YeaH!

ZOMBIEMAN X--> chucknorris101

ZOMBIEMAN X--> ewbernoob3000

chucknorris101: Nice failnade Birdman...

The BirdMan, YeaH!: =D

See lmaonade, epic fail, fail, failure


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