
What is Falk?


Verb. A contraction or blending of the words 'talk' and 'fuck'.

To falk is to hold an erotic conversation, by telephone or IM, ideally leading to a long-distance orgasm by both parties.

falked, falking, falker.

He'd call, and we'd falk for hours.

I love the way you falk to me!

A master of words, his IMs would falk me into ecstacy.

See phone sex, erotica, sex talk, seduction, masterbation


to facebook stalk, or to continually check on someone's facebook homepage to gather information

I was falking Suzy the other day and she is now dating joe.

See facebook, stalk, computer, falk, creeper


A Verb. A contraction, or a blending of the verbs 'to talk', and 'to f*ck'.

To falk is to hold conversation, via IM or by telephone, erotic by nature, that leads to a long-distance orgasm of both parties.

I can't wait to falk with you!

I love the way you Falk with/to me!

See cybersex, vocabulary, phone sex


a beast, normally one that swims. really fast

like a unicorn

sometimes the spawn of chuck norris

we aren't really sure what they are

"Hey did you see that thing??"

"Yeah, I think it was a Falk!"

See faulk, beast, unicorn, swim, chuck norris


To freestyle walk. Any creative use of surrounding objects to shred the proverbial gnar.

Dude, did you just falk that bush?

See freestyle, walking, gnar gnar, gnar, shred


an act of randomnessin an instant messaging converstaion

apples, pennies, falk, clocks, horses, candy

See blah, bluh, bleh, boring, bored


means to incorrectly spell, or make an error

you falked that sentence, you falked right up

See spelling, incorrect, wrong, falk, bad


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