False Feeling

What is False Feeling?


one person's true feeling that others portray as a feeling the person is not having, or should not be having.

Originally used in the Kerista Commune as a way to argue people out of their politically incorrect feelings. The modern (sarcastic) definition applies to a situation where people are trying to convince a person that the person is not/should not be feeling the way they do.

Keristan usage:

New Person: 'I feel like you are just trying to get me to say the right things to join your cult.'

Cult Member: 'That is a false feeling you are having. We are only trying to get you to see past your neurosis, and you are getting defensive.'

Modern usage:

'I told Jim & Chris that their drinking was interfering with my schoolwork. They tried to tell me I was having a false feeling.'

See false dat, false, politically correct, politically incorrect


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