Fan Boy

What is Fan Boy?


see fanboy.


See sonyroolz

Sonyroolz needs to shut the f*** up.


This term refers to depictions in early Hollywood movies where young boys would stand in place, holding large palm fronds, ceaselessly fanning Cleopatra or a Roman Emperor, etc.

The whole purpose of the fanboy's life was to support the pleasures and comforts of the object of their worship.

Hence, the slur, "fanboy".

Fan Boy: "Mr. Jobs, I so love my Mac. Am I fanning you to your fullest satisfaction?"

Steve Jobs: "iHarder. iFaster. Oh yes, Fan Boy! Don't stop!"


An obsessed loserwho can't get enough anime, evercrack, or star trek. Sadly, they gather togther, unaware of the social stigma their fantacism brings, dooming them to never experience sexlet alone look at, or sniff a pussy. These retardsare only slightly less annoying than people from France.

Bite me fan boy!


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