What is Fanfic?
Short for
A story written by a fan of a particular
By the very nature of fanfiction, there're a lot of really terrible fics out there. But when you find a good one - it's great!
A story written by a fan of a television show/movie/book/etc., featuring characters from it.
An abreviation of fanfiction. It can also be shortened to 'fic'. It is commonly found around fangirls or fansites.
Fanfics are fictional stories written about pre-existing books/films/animes/mangas/etc by fans of this work. A
Some authors (e.g. J.K. Rowling) have encouraged fanfics on the grounds that publishing is not attempted (this will always result in a law suit, something the authors of fanfics have generally accepted). However, other authors (e.g. Anne Rice) have requested that fanfics based around their stories(etc) are not posted on fanfiction sites. These such authors are more commonly known as Kill Joys (see
fanfiction - 'nuff said.
fictional stories written by a fan of someone from a book/movie/band/etc.
I love your fanfics! Message me when you put up the next chapter! They're really good!