
What is Fangirls?


May be either a small organized group or a large unorganized group of young fanatical females. They suffer an absurd affinity for a randomly chosen object of obsession and base their life/daily schedual around it. Not necessarily a male object of interest although this is most common. Can possibly be a clothing line, makeup brand, latest skater look, and stupid-looking-annoyinf flip-flop sandals made out of cheap mesh and spraypaint.

Many young females are obsessed with Juicy, Ambercrombie & Fitch, and Hollister. This is the only line of clothing they will wear. If they are forced to wear something from Dillard's or Taget they suddenly cone down with a squealy, whiney voice and bitch about how *fat* and *ugly* they look. IMMEDIATE REMEDY: tell them to be quiet and go throw up again.

In a fangir's room, several fangirls sit on the floor and stare at large poster of Orlando Bloom. They do not notice the drool running down their chin.

Many fangirls make t-shirts with Orlando Bloom's face on the chest and wait outside a possible sight-place and scream until their throats bleed. A few may cry and/or faint.


1 - Girls who are fanatical about a particular person, group of people, or idea.

The rock star was flooded with fangirls

See Duncle


female of approximately 12-17 years old, (though this can vary) who are obsessed by some sort of celebrity/group/band.

contrary to popular belief, fangirls are not always to be confused with stalkers. Can just be happy, excited (albeit somewhat pathetic) about the celebrity/group/band they are crushing on.

However then there are the dangerous fangirls, the kind that hound said celebrity/group/band and annoy the fuck out of other people with their shrieks of 'OMFG!'

Fangirls very often give a bad name for true, normal fans.

fangirl: like OMFGGG i wanna rape Gerard Way!!

normal fan: ..fucking freak.

fangirl: shutup!1!! im gonna have his babiiiess!1!!!1!!!

normal fan: *shoots fangirl in the head*

this is a very realistic example of what may happen do you ever cross paths with a horde of fangirls. Be prepared.

See fangirl, teenies, stalker, teenyboppers, pathetic


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