
What is Faps?


The noise that it makes when you masturbate

Ross says: yo what you do tonight

Smith says: meh i chilled with john and will, you?

Ross says: I think I broke my number of faps in one night

Smith says: wooooow, you have no life

See faps, jack off, masturbate, ross, fag, will


Faps is word used to describe someone who is petty, picky, or homosexual. Faps is commonly mistaken for the acronym F.A.P.S.

"George, stop getting on my nerves. You are such a faps."

See faggot, jerk, homosexual, ass hole, bitch


A petty, obnoxious, person who is often homosexual.

1. George is flirted with Tom and his being a huge faps.

2. George is a faps. He kept telling me to change the channel to figure skating while I was trying watch the Super Bowl.

See faggot, jerk, homosexual, ass hole, bitch


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