What is Farticle?
far·ti·cle (fahr-ti-kuhl) noun, verb, -cled, -cling.
a written work on a specific topic that is part of publication, such as a newspaper or magazine, containing purported nonfiction but primarily characterized by emissions of noise and hot air.
"Farticles are not news."
"Magazines are sometimes full of buzz farticles composed to attract consumers to advertisers."
"Male writers who mistake a rigid appendage for a pen generate farticles to hear themselves write."
"She was farticling her indigestion as opinion again." (verb)
Part "part" and part "fart", the main part of farts that make the smell.
An actual fart is made up of millions of compressed farticles.
The molecular particles in a fart that give it the bouquet. Combination of fart+particle = farticle.
Jeff spent the afternoon woolgathering and planting farticles in his chair. When he arose from his chair, the stench was overwhelming.
A particulate entity, usually airborne, which has taken on an odor resembling a recent flatulent release.
Although it was several minutes since he had cut the cheese, the farticles remained in circulation for some time, making the room uninhabitable.
a piece of fart. the tiniest piece of gas escaping an anus.may be mistaken for a dingle-berry.
The fat girl left a farticle in my teeth.
Farticles are the actual particles
When Tina farted on me, I was bombarded with stinky farticles.
Any object forcefully expelled from the anal orifice by a noxious expulsion of butt gas. Common examples include corn, bits of partially digested burrito, and, of course, any of a number of brands of anal lubricant applied in too thick a coating.
Amy always wore safety goggles after nearly losing an eye to an exploding farticle the morning after Homer's prison bachelor party.