Fashion Bug

What is Fashion Bug?


A very bad clothing and acessory store that has some of the worse known fashions ever made!

Id love to meet the motherfucker who named it Fashion Bug and shove a broom up his ass! ~Tourettesguy

OMFG make it allll stop! ~Dani

See bad


A really lame fashion store in which you buy they're really bad styles and freak out at how awesomely bad they r! Anyone into Fashion Bug..... YOU NEED LIVES!

Dani hates this store with a passion!

Id like to meet the motherfucker who named Fashion Bug and shove a broom up his ass! ~TourettesGuy

See fashion


A person who follows the stupidest trends just to feel excepted by the rest of his idiotic peers.

cool dude 1: Yo, Look at that fashion bug with the mohawk!

cool dude 2: yea i just saw 10 kids with that shit on the way here

fashionbug: hey thats my style!! Shuuut up!!!

See fashion, bug, poser, mamao, lick, balls


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