Fat Monster

What is Fat Monster?


Fat Monsters (See obstaclecourse, Miss Piggyand Pudge) are such:

People that are obviously very fat in a blunt way. They are round enough to roll on the ground. People like this are usually 12 year old girls. Most like to show off sisters Bimmer and usually rocks fake Louie. Her friends consits of skeletal looking people that are highly depressed, dickriders that think they are cool and rock steel grills, some random dickriders that like rich people, and Carrots. The Fat Monster likes to say she has large ammount of money, but obviously doesn't. Fat Monsters are usually named Heather, Beth, Harly, Jante, and Noor. She has no reason to live and should be hunted for game.

Watch for these people, they have nothing to live for and their parents want to sell them for crack cocaine.

"Yo, that Fat Monster and Lisa Ratface tripping."

"Watch out, the bacon is coming."

"That fat body, Jante, coming with his no neck."

"Hope Noor dies. Soon."

"Yah, Noor is kharra, where da crack, negros" - Noors Mom.

"Who da f4ck is Noor, Emoh?" - Noors Dad


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