Fat Nigger

What is Fat Nigger?


1: A Fat Individual Who Sits Around And Smokes Marijuana Out Of A Bong All Day. Then Eats Till He Passes Out.

2: A Lazy Individual

3: A Fat African American

4: Reference For A Persons Name

5: Munching Out When Stoned

1: Dam You Fat Nigger, Pass That Dam Bowl

2: Your Such A Fat Nigger, Pass Me That Bong

3: Dam See That Fat Nigger In The Cadi ?

4: You Call That Fat Nigger

5: Dam Two Boxes Of Pizza? What A Fat Nigger

See fat, nigger, fat nigger, bong, bowl, marijuana, lazy


a nigger that's larger than the average bear

wow that fat nigger wont get off my lounge and stop playing my wii

See nigger, nig, niglet, snow nigger, wii


Steve's special big ass hamburger that is half of the package of ground beef.

Hey adam do you want to cook some fat niggers tonight?


See fat nigger, hamburger


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