Fat Pants

What is Fat Pants?


worn by mad shuffling ravers... usually bright, loud colours, shapes, patterns etc....almost cut like low rider flares. large and hidden pockets for your stash....

dude! did you see that guys fat pants??

they look fukin hot!!

See rave, wear


any pair of pants, where the wearer can feel comfortable and without worry about how they looked, only that they are the most comfortable pants ever.

fat pants may be: old, a size too large, or stretched from excessive use.

Before the movie started, all the girls prepared for girls' night by making popcorn, getting out ice cream, and putting on fat pants.

See fat pants, food, clothing, hot pants


pants which must be purchased because the wearer has gained so much weight

I have to go buy some fat pants today because I gained so much weight at the company's free luncheons, that my old ones are too small. What's that about?


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