Fat Tax

What is Fat Tax?


when a large or obses person joins a gym, pays the membership fees, but never goes. this way they dont have to feel guilty about their size in any way.

John: Dude, you dont fit anywhere, you seriously need to lose some weight!

Fat Jim: Hell no, i pay my fat tax!

See fat, tax, gym, guilt


Any thing that a normal sized/skinny man gets an adavntage on voer the fat guy.

such as (in order of most fat tax to not so much)

1. women fat people dont get women while normal/skinnys do

2.Jobs alot of fat people dont get jobs selling stuff

3.Social gathering fat people dont get invited to partys ect..

4.Social status fat people are looked down upon in sociaty

the list goes on....

Matt: so did tony ever get with that chick he liked

Fred: nah fat tax got him


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